Lead, Thrive, Harmonize

Orchestrate Your Success Symphony

Unlock 360° Success:
Lead, Thrive, Harmonize

Our immersive 8-week online program equips you with the frameworks, tools, and support to excel in leadership, performance, and work-life balance.

Unlock 360° Success:
Lead, Thrive, Harmonize

Our immersive 8-week online program equips you with the frameworks, tools, and support to excel in leadership, performance, and work-life balance.

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of
modern work life?

Struggling to balance leadership responsibilities, peak performance, and maintaining a healthy work-life harmony?

Experience Lead, Thrive, Harmonize:
Your 8-Week Journey to 360° Success

Led by renowned leadership coach Domenico Pinto and organizational psychologist Eliza von Baeyer, this transformative program offers a groundbreaking approach. Through a unique blend of experiential training, interactive workshops, and personalized coaching, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools to:

  • Master Proven Frameworks: Implement actionable frameworks for effective leadership, high performance, and a balanced work-life.
  • Craft Your Personalized Success Plan: Walk away with a roadmap to integrate your learnings and achieve lasting success.
  • Elevate Your Leadership: Develop the skills and confidence to inspire, motivate, and empower your team.
  • Unleash Your Peak Performance: Learn strategies to maximize your productivity and achieve optimal results.
  • Achieve Work-Life Harmony: Discover practical methods to create a sustainable work-life balance that fuels your well-being

Invest in Yourself: Unleash Your Full Potential

Witnessing countless individuals struggle with fragmented
approaches to success inspired us to create Lead, Thrive, Harmonize.
Our mission is to empower you to achieve true 360° success by:


We believe these aspects are interconnected and essential for long-term success.


Benefit from the combined expertise of our seasoned facilitators who are passionate about your development.


Connect with like-minded professionals on your journey to success.

Why Choose Lead, Thrive, Harmonize?

Unlike other programs that tackle these areas in silos, we offer an integrated approach for a cohesive strategy.

Our program combines engaging live sessions with independent work, allowing you to learn and apply concepts seamlessly.

Benefit from the combined expertise of Domenico Pinto, a renowned leadership coach, and Eliza von Baeyer, a distinguished organizational psychologist.

Walk away with practical frameworks and personalized plans to implement change immediately.

Ready to Orchestrate Your Success Symphony?

Don’t wait to unlock your full potential. Register now and
embark on your 8-week journey to Lead, Thrive, Harmonize

Hear from Our Community

The Great Shift 2-day workshop challenges you to believe that work life harmony is possible without compromising success in your career. It gives us tools and techniques on how to better perform and how to look after ourselves, so we don’t get lost in the process. It becomes a reassuring space for those that are already on the journey to have a better work life harmony.

Herbalife Independent Distributor

Many people, like me, feel at breaking point at work and before experiencing burnout it is important to stop, think and act to improve our relationship with work. The workshop with Domenico was a step up and seeing, from a new perspective, how I can significantly improve my relationship with work, my productivity, and my life in general. I highly recommend it.

Marketing Manager, Forum Madeira

I highly recommend Domenico’s workshop to anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills, prioritize their well-being, and achieve success in both their personal and professional lives. Thank you, Domenico, for an incredible learning journey that will stay with me for years to come.

Independent Freelancer

Join our waiting list for Lead, Thrive, Harmonize, and set
off on your 8-week journey to master leadership,
performance, and work-life balance.

Curious for a free 2-hour sneak peek?

Explore the art of mastering communication, unlocking
high-performance without burnout, and achieving
work-life harmony in our free 2-hour workshop.

Learn more about the author’s journey
and how he transitioned to a successful
work-life balance.